Club Partnership - The King Alfred SchoolU13s Team Sponsor - Highbridge Caravans


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Club Membership Information 5 of 6

5. Finding Your Membership Information

How to find your BWJFC Membership information. Log into the Burnbridge Wanderers JFC website:

  1. Go to:
  2. Login: using your email address & password

Go to Your account:

  1. Click "Your name" > Your account in top right-hand corner
  2. Click Your account
  3. Click Burnbridge Wanderers Football Club, if you are a member of more than one club

You are taken through to your membership page where you have 4 options, in addition to your photo (these are on the top bar on a computer screen and on the bottom bar on your mobile):

  • OVERVIEW (head) – gives you a link to your MEMBERSHIP INFO, shows you which roles you have and some quick links
  • MESSAGES (chat) – displays all the messages from the club & members

  • SCHEDULE (calendar) – shows you games, training and events and asks you to set your availability for the dates. You can also add a note.

  • PAYMENTS (trolley) – shows you a list of your Purchase History with the club.

Burnbridge Wanderers uses its website and email for the main communication for the club. You should also use the Pitchero Club App (iPhone and Android) where you can record your availability and receive news and selection updates.
Please keep checking back regularly on the home page and on your squad and team home pages.

To ensure that you receive emails, please ensure Pitchero emails are deemed safe by your email provider. If an email has reached the member's spam folder, there should be an option to mark this contact as safe.